Saturday, June 21, 2008


Are there any other words?

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Almost done

There are a few things to wrap up as this week of covert operations comes to a close. There were rooms to inspect and final thoughts to be spoken,but the best part was the end. All over but the shoutin is the phrase and it was good.

Here are the ducks at the final dinner....

And here are the ducks with their new friend, and even if they could remember his name, they wouldn't tell you. :)
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Covert Duck Operations at Camp Day 4 cont

Here are the Ducks conducting covert operations at the Nashville Sounds baseball stadium. The ducks traveled here on the Big Bird bus and are now preparing to watch the baseball game.

The ducks asked to get these photos in before the game begun, but if you'll notice there are players in the lower left hand side on the bottom picture you will see a few players warming up.

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Covert Duck Operations at camp day 4

Here are the ducks preparing to travel by bus to trail their students whom they are supposed to be covering. The ducks are slightly concerned about the fact that the bus is labeled with the Blue Bird symbol and are now on the look out for this new danger.

The ducks want everyone to be careful as they board this potentially treacherous mode of transportation.
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Covert Operations Duck at a lecture on Middle East Relations....

Covert Duck at Bowling alley blending in with the locals....

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Camp Day 1 and 2

So here we are at Camp. This first picture is in the dorm room on the desk. They are guarding my non-usable car keys. I am on campus being a camp counselor for a week so no need for a car. :)

This picture is in Chattanooga in a park where we took the kids on the first full day of camp. There was a ropes course which the ducks decided was much to much for them so they stayed on the grass where they could safely watch the children. The kids had a great time and the ducks were so proud of them in their ability to counquor their fears.

This picture is the duck doing his counter intelligence duty and protecting the identity of a camper.

More pictures of these two ducks on the covert operations will come as the week progresses. Be sure to visit the blog "Some Day" for more specific details and links to picture pgs.
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Saturday, June 7, 2008

So today was Boat Day. This day had been highly anticipated by me because I loved the lake growing up, but never knew in nashville that you could rent boats and take them out so we did. Here are the pictures of the duck on the boat and the roof of Gina's car. :)

The duck had a great view of people diving off the upper deck of the boat.
We had some dare devils.... :)
To see more pictures of boat day go to my Some Dy blog or my picassa pg :)
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